
When to Get a Dental Crown in North Central Phoenix

Dental crowns are dental restorations meant to cover damaged, decayed, or weak teeth. When used, the crowns can restore the look and function of these teeth. A tooth crown in north central phoenix protects an affected tooth from further damage. When repaired correctly, this tooth will avoid extraction. You can choose from various kinds of dental crowns that are custom-made to fit properly over affected teeth and blend with your other teeth. So, when do you consider getting a dental crown? Below are different conditions that might require a dental crown:

Big Decay or Fillings

If tooth decay or damage has damaged a big part of your tooth, a crown is necessary to protect it. The existing tooth structure cannot handle dental functions such as biting or chewing. When not repaired promptly, the affected tooth can break completely. Also, if your tooth has a big filling, a crown can support it if the filling shows signs of stress or cracking. 

Root Canal Treatment 

Your dentist can perform a root canal treatment to rid your tooth of infected pulp material. However, after the treatment, the pulp chamber is left empty, which makes your tooth weaker and susceptible to breakage. Because of this, your dentist may use a crown to cover the treated tooth and prevent it from damage. 

Cracked Tooth

If your tooth has cracks or fracture lines, you may feel discomfort or pain whenever you chew. The pressure from chewing impacts the fracture lines and you may feel your teeth as if they are breaking apart. Placing a crown over a cracked tooth keeps its structure together by absorbing and spreading chewing forces evenly. This leads to less pain. In some instances, a temporary crown may be placed to alleviate your discomfort, and make sure you don’t need a root canal treatment before your permanent crown is placed. 

Broken Teeth Cusps

When your teeth sustain a physical injury, your tooth cusps can be damaged. The cusps manage your teeth’s chewing functions. Thus, prompt repairs must be done to prevent further damage. Sometimes, the breakage may reach the gum line and crown lengthening may need to be performed. Your dentist will trim the gums and bones around your tooth’s broken part, so the structure of the tooth can take your crown. 

Enamel Deterioration

Over time, your tooth enamel can deteriorate due to habits such as teeth grinding. Also, the acids from acidic diets, gastrointestinal reflux, and bulimia can contribute to this. Such deterioration predisposes other tooth layers to infection and damage. A tooth crown may be used to restore the shape and form of the affected tooth. Also, it can stop tooth sensitivity that results from enamel erosion.