Friday, 3 May 2024

PCOS symptoms every woman should know about

Women often wonder whether they have PCOS or not. Polycystic ovary syndrome is probably the most common hormonal problem in young women out there. PCOS is a medical condition that affects about 7-10% of women and it can start during adolescence. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common endocrine condition in females and is associated with hormonal imbalance.

Signs and symptoms associated with it

First, let’s talk about the word “syndrome.” In the medical world whenever that term is used, it indicates a bucket of symptoms. Different women may experience different signs but they all fit in the syndrome that has been defined as PCOS.

PCOS symptoms may affect you differently at different stages in life. When you are a teenager, each acne outbreak may be a time of social concern for you. As you get older, irregular periods freak you out because you do not know when the next period is going to come. Maybe the thinning of hair or hair growth in unwanted places is embarrassing for you. Or maybe you are just confused with what’s going on with your body. Sometimes the symptom of PCOS may be that you are trying to get pregnant and having trouble with that. The hormonal imbalance is what causes all of this in women. Menstrual irregularity or absence being a major symptom, PCOS is also linked with insulin resistance.

If PCOS disease is not managed in the early stages, long term health concerns can develop. Things like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep pane, high cholesterol and high blood pressure which can set up heart diseases or a stroke, anxiety and depression.

Conventional treatment

Lifestyle changes are highly advised. Regular exercise and a proper diet go a long way. Whatever PCOS treatment method you go for should be based on that. The choice of treatment depends on the patient’s concerns. Generally, treating insulin resistance is recommended for all women with PCOS. Medications are prescribed to lower both insulin and androgen levels, reducing the levels of type 2 diabetes and improving ovulation. Patients who want to get pregnant are prescribed anti-oestrogen pills. On the other hand, when fertility is not the goal of treatment, hormonal birth control is prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles. This treatment may also help in improving acne and reducing body hair. It is a no-brainer that each of these methods could potentially pose some side effects. These include stomach problems, nausea, vomiting and many more. You must keep on looking for viable options. How about homeopathy?

PCOS treatment in homeopathy

PCOS treatment in homeopathy aims to achieve permanent relief for women. Homeopathy treats any medical condition by cutting it off at the source. It poses minimal side-effects and provides medicines prepared naturally. PCOS takes a heavy toll on a woman’s body and mind. As mentioned before, the signs and symptoms vary from person to person and aligning the physical ones with the psychological ones creates numerous permutations. It is the job of a homeopath to correctly associate symptoms with each other and while it may take some time, it helps to correctly deduce the nature of this condition and from there on a customized prescription is given. Go for homeopathy without hesitation.

Bottom line

You may think it is only happening to you but this condition is more common than you think. Do not go into panic mode, visit a homeopathic doctor as soon as something seems unusual and get a homeopathic medicine for PCOS that best suits you. You go girl, it is going to be A-OK.