
Lawyers for Medical Professionals

To succeed in an increasingly crowded field, a medical facility requires experienced business acumen. The medical facility has many of the same requirements as any other business that is from determining the right organizational structure for taxation purposes to workforce laws and regulations. Accusations of fraud, malpractice or any criminal activity may have a severe impact on your career as a licensed healthcare professional.

A medical professional may face disciplinary proceedings, the publication of any misconduct findings, losing the license, etc. With the help of experienced Lawyers for Doctors, one can easily get acquainted with this complicated legal field. The advocate informs the clients about their rights and responsibilities and their possible outcomes as well. Experienced lawyers can handle even the more complicated health care law matters.

Various health care law matters:

A professional lawyer doesn’t deal with only one aspect; preferably, he has to take into consideration multiple health care law matters.

  • Disciplinary actions: Administrative grievances, hearings of the board and ALJ, Revocations, Restrictions, Suspensions, Appeals, or investigation.
  • Issues related to Licensing: Problems in obtaining the license, Denials, conviction reporting, renewal issues
  • Criminal actions: Fraud, diversion, DUI, narcotics trafficking, illegal prescription, unauthorized medical practice, assault
  • Health care fraud: Medicare and Medicaid fraud, misrepresentations, kickback, self-referral and all other allegations of fraud in civil and criminal health care
  • Compliance with regulations: DEA, CMS, State privacy laws, HIPAA, HITECH, state and federal regulations
  • Business Matters: Business formation, Practice acquisitions, Buy-in and Buy-out activities, Partnership agreements Supplemental Services, Kickback and Stark Compliance Audit, Medical Director Agreements, employment contracts, permitting and licensing, Accreditation, CMS and Medicaid Certification and Enrollment, Professional and Contract Disputes
  • Health care Audits: DEA, Medicaid, Medicare, third party, state
  • NPDB issues
  • Payment issues: compensation matters, issues of overpayment, investigations, administrative actions, criminal actions, disclosure plans for enforcement
  • Workforce issues: the reviews of employment contracts, qualifications, dismissal, allegations of harassment, disciplinary action, retaliation, residency program issues, job and contract disputes
  • Credentials & privileges: denial and revocation of credentials, denial and dismissal of staff privileges, exclusion of OIG / CMS
  • DEA: problems related to registration, compliance, audits and hearings
  • Professional liability: medical abuse, negligence in civil and criminal matters

The highly regulated health care industry has a vast number of laws and regulations that can have an impact on health care providers and their businesses. If you will carry out your medical practice under the guidance of experienced advocates, you would never face any difficulty related to the above-defined matters of health care law.

Hire the experienced lawyers

You should hire the lawyer for doctors from the best organization as you can’t risk the rope of your profession in the hands of an unskilled attorney. Don’t be in hassle, and give it enough time to choose the best attorney for your business or professional practice. Always remember before hiring that a good lawyer helps in reducing the ups and downs of your business to a greater extent.