
Cleaning Breast Pump Parts: An In-Depth Guide

If you’re pumping, you’re undoubtedly aware of the benefits of having pumped milk on hand, such as more control over feeding times (particularly while travelling) or sharing feeding chores with another carer or family member.

After a pumping session, it can be tedious to clean and sterilise breast pump components. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as complex or time-consuming as it appears. So, whether you’re solely pumping, pumping after nursing, or pumping while away from your baby, keep reading to find out how to clean breast pump parts quickly and efficiently.

Cleaning Breast Pump Parts

Clean your breast pump components after each pumping session. The same fundamental rules apply to most types of breast pumps (for example, electrical equipment for powered breast pumps should never be immersed). Of course, if you have special issues regarding your particular breast pump, consult the instruction booklet and double-check the cleaning instructions.

However, here’s how to clean a breast pump in general:

Step 1: Clean your breast pump with disinfectant wipes; this will make the following stages much easier. This is also the greatest approach for cleaning your pump while you’re out and about.

Step 2: Next, disassemble your breast pump set – we’ll start with simply the parts that come into direct touch with breast milk. Cool running water should be used to rinse these pieces.

Step 3: To prevent breast pump parts from touching the sink and picking up germs, use a clean wash basin or big bowl for this cleaning process exclusively. For this step, use hot, soapy water with a clean rag or a tiny soft-bristled brush to reach harder-to-clean places such as breast pump tubing and membranes. And, like with the wash bowl, make sure your rag or brush is clean and only used to clean your breast pump parts. Use ordinary dish soap instead of antibacterial soap, which might be filled with unnecessary chemicals.

Alternatively, you may place your breast pump parts in the dishwasher’s top rack. Place tiny pieces, such as the silicone breast pump flanges and membranes, in a dishwasher-safe bin with a cover or a washable mesh bag; this keeps them all together and prevents them from flying around during the cycle. Use the dishwasher’s hot water and heated dry settings for the most thorough cleaning. When in doubt, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions that came with your pump.

Step 4: After washing your pump parts in a basin or in the dishwasher, let them air dry. If feasible, transfer your pump parts from the bowl or dishwasher rack to a clean paper towel using clean tongs.

How Often Should Breast Pump Parts Be Sterilised?

While cleaning your breast pump parts after each usage is necessary, you do not need to sanitise them every time. Instead, if your infant is under 2 months old, was born preterm, or has a weaker immune system, it is advised that you sanitise your breast pump once a day. When your equipment is brand new or hasn’t been used in a long time, it’s also vital to undergo sanitisation. You’ll be able to safeguard both yourself and your child this way.